October Ghost Stories: Witches
Ever met one? I have and I enjoyed my interactions with each witch that I encountered. I asked a lot of questions to learn from them, especially about their practices, but mostly pertaining to magic. I found that they loved sharing their ideologies and skills with magic, people, and helping me to understand the children that I encounter who can see ghosts. Actually, sharing a few of my stories about Nebulous Children overtime is how my conversations began with these individuals although they did not initially share their magical secrets. It took a long time for them to tell me about their identity as witches, along with their practices, and beliefs. These are skills that have been around their families for generations, and they gladly shared them with me to use for my blog. Our interactions and conversations lasted for awhile, and not only did they teach me things, but I taught them a few things as well. As they discussed their experiences, I received gifts to ward off evil spirits, and prayers of protection. I told them that I did not need all of those things from them, but they insisted. When in Rome... It was truly a delight to be thought of highly enough by these witches to trust me. We did not always agree about the practices; oh no, because Witch #2 and I had our debates. However, we all had a mutual respect for one another which was important in developing our relationships. Let's Get Into It Witch #2 I am NO fan of anything dark in the world of the paranormal. To teach others, however, I will discuss it since so many people ask me about dark angels. Others want to summon or conjure dark angels to talk to them which honestly, drives me internally insane because "demons are not your friends." According to Nebulous individuals, dark angels will harm us. Leave them alone! ![]()
Witch #2 believed in dark magic, voodoo, and praying to dark entities. We were actually born on the same day, coincidentally, and this witch also believe in God and praying to God. Are you confused? I was which is why I asked a lot of questions, such as which God are you praying to with all of that dark magic? I would grumbly internally as I listened sometimes, and as we became a bit closer I would remind this person of the way that dark entities could possess, manipulate, and harm us. This witch, convinced that dark spirits were ok, tried to influence me to believe that her practices were acceptable and helpful to her life. I listened and learned some of the reasons that this person believed that for example, dark magic was a gift and great influence in her life.
Witch #2 practiced voodoo with family roots down south in the bayou, and it was has a source of prayer and strength for the family for decades. This person believed in praying to ancestors for strength and asked me to do the same. Um no, I said. My answers would always make this person laugh and we had a good time debating ideologies in our spare time. Voodoo was a source of life and strength for this witch, and I had silly questions such as, do you wrap up dolls and poke pins in them as seen in movies? Answer: No, but my family does it. So, it was not just made for movies? Nope. Ok. Curses? Yes. On others? Yes. Me staring at this person... Let me be her friend! Just kidding... This person called herself a witch and was proud of it. I understood the reason; the family was a strong unit and together, they had a lot of pride in witchcraft and other sources of magic. This witch was also very much into using candles and created what I call a shrine or a table with pictures of deceased relatives used for prayer to them. She also used various spells to deal with black magic. I asked how she created spells and she told me that they had been passed down from her ancestors. There was things that she did to protect herself from demons such as using sage in various rooms in her home, candles, and salt lamps. She would actually talk to demons and tell them to leave when they bothered her or when she did not feel like interacting with them. So yes, witch #2 could see ghosts which made her even more fascinating to me. I wondered about the connection between seeing ghosts and practicing voodoo or witch craft. Witch #2 answered this question for me. Witch #1 Of note: This is NOT the Pagan Witch that I discussed in earlier blogs. Witch #1 was also someone that I grew fond of overtime. Ironically, I sensed something different about Witch #1 but I was unable to put my finger on it when I first encountered this woman. She felt the same about me and told me that it was a mutual "energy" but she had to get to know my spirit first before being comfortable around me. Say what? I used to catch her watching me, but would ignore her observations. She was cordial and so was I, but I was guarded because I knew she was "checking me out." I kept my distance until one day we starting chatting, repeatedly, about a topic and after that moment we talked non-stop. On one occasion, she revealed to me that she was a witch and I asked her, What is that like for you? The rest was history between us because we spoke daily about her religious practices, and ability to use magic. This was her version of Paganism, and it was passed down to her from past generations as it was for witch #2. The difference between the two witches was that witch #1 refused to practice dark magic or speak to demons. This was something that witch #1 refused to get into although she could also see them. Witch #1 was a person who could see ghosts, and her family saw ghosts as well, which fed into my question about the connection with witchcraft. The ability to see ghosts was a gift that witch #1 had since childhood, and so did members of her family. Their use of magic was a part of their religion, but it was only to learn and not to evoke dark spirits, speak to them, or see them. Witch #1 also understood how to rid herself of annoying ghosts and she would encourage others in her family to rid themselves of ghosts as well. Her idea was that ghosts hanging around are not of good energy or "Godly" which is why she immediately removed them or made her family do the same. You see, she explained that those ghosts were not to hang around because they were evil. In her opinion, anything dark and/or evil had negative influence on others. Witch #1 also found that prayer to (her) God helped to strengthen her, which lessened the power of influence from dark entities. Sage was used around her home, as well as salt lamps and magic to keep dark spirits away. I'm not sure if it worked because she found herself seeing ghosts often, and would tell me about it but she felt as if it worked for her, so who was I to judge? She told me about a lot of ghost stories and how it impacted her family's life. I found it intriguing but most of all, how her stories correlated with the children's stories of seeing ghosts throughout my experiences in psychology. At the time that we met, Witch #1 had never heard of me or my blogs. It was not until I mentioned it that she knew and her response was, "So You Understand?" Me: "I believe you." I will not profess to be "all-knowing" about the world of the paranormal because I am no expert, but I do comprehend that there is a connection amongst all of these wonderful individuals with the ability to see ghosts. The human brain is fascinating and we may never learn how this happens to some people scientifically, but spiritually there seems to be some connections amongst individuals. For these two witches, although practicing different forms of skills in magic and religions, both hold one commonality and that is the ability to see ghosts. Conclusion This blog will be discussed in more detail live on my next podcast on Wednesday at 7pm. The link is below: www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-fdggp-b0024a I will also speak live about this blog on Instagram @kidscanseeghostscanyou, on the day/time.
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