October Ghost Stories
It's OCTOBER! That means, it is time for "October Ghost Stories." Yearly, I enjoy telling my scariest stories about the times when I worked with Nebulous Children, or children who shared with me that they can see ghosts. Of all of my experiences with these lovely children, there was one entity who was mentioned to me far more times than I wanted to know. He was considered a "dark angel" to the kids; one who haunted the grounds of building 3, and every child and parent who could see ghosts told me about him. All were afraid of it, and each child and parent described this ghost in the same manner. It was,
A "dark angel" in building 3 was the topic of conversation for many children. He was described in many ways by the kids, as you just read above and he was scary to them. None of the kids and adults who could see him wanted me to go into that building. As a matter of fact, they advised against it because this entity wanted to harm me. Initially, I thought it was a visual hallucination of one child, but too many kids were telling me about him, and afraid to enter that building, or to be near it. Communication about that ghost with families would be from afar, such as in the parking lot These conversations were coincidental, such as after I would catch them starting at the building. Overtime, the more that families spoke to me about the building, I started to pay attention to the details. Always remember that these families did not know one another at all due to confidentiality. Yet, each account was almost identical which is another reason why I started to take notice. It felt as if I was hearing a "new" story each time I met new families under my care, and that was a final reason why it started to become real to me as well. I had been cautioned many times about not going into that building. I only entered it twice and each time it was just dark, heavy, and I had the feeling that something was watching me. The hair on my arms rose, along with chills on my back. Mind you, that was before I started learning about this entity, its history, and information about the building and land. Basically, I was initially ignorant going into this building yet having those sensations. I can recall looking back at the building as I walked away from it wondering, "What was that all about?" I was not talking about my sensations at all. Something was there and I did not want to enter that building again if I could help it. As I gained more clients, that is when I learned more about this ghost. After hearing about this ghost over and over again, I not only decided to do my own research but I asked others about it. I questioned them because I also wanted to share what families told me, seek consultation from other professionals, and try to make sense of it all. To my surprise, staff knew about this ghost and had their own stories of encounter,
So, the families were being truthful with me. They had no reason to lie, but I felt compelled to talk to others who work in that building. They validated the kids! Only one child of several that told me about this entity, wanted to go into the building. The others were afraid. The staff seemed used to this ghost and were not fearful of working in the building while it was walking around. Parents who could see ghosts or had kids who could see them, advised me to refrain from going into the building. Some of the kids would hold my hands very hard as we walked past that building while outside. Others would not walk past at all. The building was unnerving to me personally, and I do not scare easily with the paranormal. I do not see ghosts, but I knew before I met these families that, Something was going on in that building. Research I went into the building exactly three times. The third time, I challenged myself because by then I had heard enough scary stories and accounts from staff that made me uneasy about going into the building alone. At least on the bottom floor by myself because no other people were around. I had to walk upstairs to get to others. Despite all of the visions and warnings, I went in there although watching my back heavily to ensure that I was safe. Remember, the families shared that I was not safe in the building. That thought kept going through my mind and I was cautious, but optimistic because other staff were upstairs. Once I was done in that building, I "got the hell" out of there only to feel pushed down the stairs. The families, especially one child, actually told me that the ghost said that he pushed me down the stairs WITHOUT me telling this particular child about the incident. In other words, this child told me because this child heard the ghost tell him or her that it pushed me. This child said, I told you not to go into that building It wants to harm you This child, and others were right. Why were they right; was my question, and who was this entity? What reason was it attached to that building? I did not believe in a purgatory period, so this was intriguing to me, to say the least. A few families answered my questions. One mother, however, stood out to me and this is what she said,
This parent declined to share the details about harming others. It was too much, according to her, and that demons have the ability to influence others and cause harm. Influencing I think meant energy to this parent, but I interpreted it as jumping from one person to another. This parent discussed being very careful around that type of hatred and evil. One thing that I did not understand, however, is what it had against me? Since this was a parent who freely discussed this ghost, I asked her about its dislike toward me. In my mind, it made no sense to me. This parent kindly explained,
I did not believe this parent at all. For one, convincing me that I glow and other people do as well was so far fetched to me that I ignored it....for years until I did not any longer. It took countless people, even strangers, to tell me about these same experiences. Many taught me to be mentally flexible and learn to trust the accounts of others. The matching stories helped to change my mind about all of their experiences. Despite not believing the parent about "glowing," I did want to find out more about this ghost. I do not remember how I found the land archives, but I believe this parent had something to do with it. I think she cued me into something about the building, without her knowing, that helped my search. I do not recall that small detail, but I did an extensive search about the history of the land out of curiosity. I did learn about a male caretaker who possibly owned the building and may have harmed children. It was a children's home, which made sense to me during that time period. Child abuse, although I cannot stand it, also seemed plausible due to the lack of child protective laws at that time. I found out that a child may have been murdered on that land too, but I could not determine if it was from this caretaker/owner or if the possible death was due to disease. Tuberculosis was problematic at that time. The records were old and difficult to read although I did find some articles. I mentioned my findings to numerous people. I was in a bit of shock about it all. To me, the kids and parents who could see ghosts were right. Those kids and parents asked if that information confirms that their visions were valid to me? I told them yes, but to also understand that I canNOT see ghosts hence the reason that it was all difficult for me to initially believe. The research findings plus the staff accounts of this ghost helped to change my mind. Conclusion While on the grounds of building 3 after the research, I stared at the building a lot harder especially toward the back door. I was trying to see this ghost myself, but no luck. I walked past the building many times in my quest to see it. I refrained from going into the building; I had been warned too often, and at some point I did need to heed that advice. There was something sinister about it, and something hidden about me that it could see and kids could see, but not me. I settled with that information, but it did not stop me from giving it the "evil eye" when I walked past the building. You see, when the child told me that this entity pushed me, it was this entity who told the child, not me. The "evil eye" was me saying, I know you are there and what you did to me on that day, and how you have been harmful toward others. It was all true and, I did not go back into that building, would you?
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